For students ages 6 to 12, based on

famous Hollywood movies!

English Academe+ Junior

English Academe+ Junior is one OnLine interactive educational platform that cultivates children’s interest in learning English. Primary school students watch films Hollywoodpiecemeal or complete and do various activities while learning and practicing reading, writing, listening and speaking in English!

The programme is based onGame and Movie Based Learning,is designed for elementary students and contains a series of interactive activities with everyday and contemporary content for every level.

Hours online
0 +
Hours online
0 +
Activities with extra
0 +
English Academe+ Junior consists of:
  • 8 levels with 5 units per level and one movie  – access to 40 movies of Hollywood!
  • Each units contains 6 lessons: 240 lessons
  • 40 extra challenges and 8 projects 
  • Grammar – Vocabulary phenomena and Target words: audio-visual material and audio passages and pictures 
  • Educational resources for the teacher: printable worksheets, activities, strategies, etc.
  • Learning environment: LMS, comprehensive assessments, report cards, license management system 

Presentation of the platform

Features of the platform

  • Rich movie content(Disney, Disney Pixar, Fox, Sony, Marvel)
  • 4 Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
  • Totallyinteractiveandgamified: Avatars, badges, awards& more!
  • Project-based learning
  • CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)Acquaintance of students with the foreign language with some limited exposure while also teachingmother language
  • Alternative teaching solutions for the teacher
  • Additionalprintable material
English Academe+ Junior consists of:
  • Το English Academe+ Jr. is designed as a programmewhich is integrated into the lesson in the classroom by a teacher. It can be used:

    • as basic material for a lesson.
    • as an additional tool to an existing teachingprogramme.

    Teachers are supported with:

    • suggestions on how to integrate the program intothe classrooms.
    • additional material: full lesson plan, activities in the classroom, printable files, among others.
    • ideas for supporting English learning using films.

    The program is available for educational institutions (schools, study centers, foreign language centers, etc.).
    Personalized platform design is provided for each educational institution with the ability to insert the institution’s brand name, logo and corporate colors.

For more information you can contact us at 210-48.11.260
or fill in the contact form here.

See here the detailed list of films in the program

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